Effect of Ideological Difference on Campaign Contribution Amount

Class: BPE Senior Seminar

For campaign contributors contributing to a candidate’s campaign, does more distance on the ideological scale between the contributor and recipient affect contribution amount? This is an important question when it comes to Campaign Contribution Theory, how individuals and corporations decide to give their money to politicians’ campaigns. The results of this study show that more contributions happen at smaller distances between contributors and recipients, however individuals tend to give higher amounts of money to candidates the further away that candidate is from them in ideological score.

The Social Welfare Effects of China’s High Speed Rail System vs. Japan’s Shinkansen

Class: Political Economy of East Asia

Replicated a UCLA study on how the Japanese Shinkansen impacted social welfare at the province level over the 1964-2010 time period. The UCLA study concluded that the introduction of high speed rail in Japan increased housing affordability for low-income workers by decreasing the commuting costs. I performed a panel regression in STATA using data across Chinese provinces over the same time period to determine whether the continued expansion of HSR in China would have a similar impact on housing prices and social welfare.

The Case for FDI into the Ethiopian Coffee Industry

Class: International Economics

Using import/export data, policy analysis, and economic theory I made a trade agreement proposal between Germany and Ethiopia that would be mutually beneficial for both Germany's car industry and Ethiopia's coffee industry.

Tesla Unsustainable Strategy for a Sustainable Company

Class: Management and Organizations

In this paper we gave our answer to the question: "How can Tesla improve its production performance in both the short term and the long term" through the lens of Tesla’s current strategy, Musk’s leadership style, and the company’s decision-making process.

AllBirds Market Planning

Class: Intro to Marketing

Gave a roadmap to how AllBirds should enter the UK market supporting our proposal through Market Research, Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning recommendations (STP model).